Recipes & Guides

Emerald Green Tea Cold Brew

Emerald Green Tea Cold Brew

One of our all-time favorite presentations and thirst quencher for cold brew tea is using deep steamed sencha.  The beautiful bright green color of the liquid is almost fluorescent and so captivating. 
It is also a fail proof way of making Japanese green tea without any lingering bitterness!  Cold brewing extracts more of the Amino Acids that create sweetness and umami in tea and none of the bitter components and less caffeine.
Tannins, which created astringency, and caffeine are extracted at high temperatures. 
What you will need:
1 Liter pitcher
1 Liter filtered or bottled water at room temperature
20g or 2-3 tablespoons of Tamaryokucha Sencha (Okuyutaka or Tsuyu Hikari)
Add tea to the pitcher and add water. 
Place in the fridge and allow to chill for at least two hours or overnight. 
Once the water is chilled enough, it won't make the cold brew any stronger so you won't have to worry! Make sure you have a strainer so that you catch the leaves as you are pouring out of the pitcher. 
Hack:  If you don't have a pitcher or filtered water, just buy 1L bottled water.  Pour out a little bit to make room, add the tea, and then replace the water you poured out and simply let chill.  You can take this to the office, gym, or picnic! 
Iced Green Tea 

Iced Tea : Grains Leaves and Sticks

Iced Tea : Grains Leaves and Sticks

What we are drinking this Summer of 2020.

One of our most recent additions to our Tisane menus is a blend of beautiful herbal from Shizuoka, Japan.  For lovers of toasted brown rice or toasted barley, this mix has both and then some!  It is made of a blend of ten special herbs and grains that help you relax and cool your body down. It does have a very small amount of tea in it and therefore it will have caffeine. 

Our recipe for making this iced tea is quick and easy. 

What you will need:

1-2L Boiling water 195F

10g or 2 tablespoons Grains Leaves and Sticks

1-2L Pitcher

Teapot with strainer

Add the Grains Leaves and Sticks Tisane to the teapot, fill with the boiling water, and let sit for 2mins. 

Pour into the pitcher and reserve the Tisane. 

Fill the teapot with boiling water again and repeat this process until your pitcher is filled. 

Each time, allowing the Tisane to steep for two minutes each so we get all the flavor. 

You can then pour over a glass of ice and enjoy immediately or put in the fridge and drink within 2-3 days.  

If you want some more caffeine in this mix, add a tablespoon of Karigane, Houjicha, or Wild Mountain Sunset!